PCBI.Automation Namespace



ColoredAttributeGroup Save groups of colorsettings.
ColoredAttributeHistogram Set colorgroups in attribute histogram
ColorPair Save Name of setting and RGBValue.
ColorSettings ColorSettings used for drawing function. to activate the setting use ActivateColorsettings()
Extensions Vorlage für weitere extensions
IAction IAction includes all properties and methodes to communicate between PlugIns and the PCB-Investigator.
IArcSpecifics Only Arcs have this combination of specifics.
IArcSpecificsD Only Arcs have this combination of specifics.
IAttribute Contains all methods for working with attributes and properties.
IAttributeElement Info class for attribute elements with details.
IAutomation IAutomation is the root of all automation Funktions and the Interface.
IAutomationCompareWorker To compare two layers graphically create a instance of this class and use method compareLayers.
IAutomationResultDifferencesCompareClass If the element is null, there is no difference, else the location and the image are in the class.
ICMPLayer The ICMPLayer works as database for all Components on the Layer
ICMPObject Contains all methods for working with components.
IComponentSpecifics Only Components have this combination of specifics.
IComponentSpecificsD Only Components have this combination of specifics.
IEDA_PRP Class to handle ODB++ eda properties.
IFilter IFilter contains all functions working and create new objects.
IFilterToolDefinition ToolDefinition contains the relevant data of a created tool. (Definition on a layer)
ILayer The layer contains all elements and functions to work with it.
ILayerNoteElement This is a combination of the note text and the location.
ILineSpecifics Only Lines have this combination of specifics.
ILineSpecificsD Only Lines have this combination of specifics.
IMatrix The IMatrix is a odb matrix with all relevant data and Methods.
INet INet contains a List of INetObjects with all cmps and the contact pins.
INetObject Special objects with ICMPObject and pin index.
INote The INote class allows you to create info text on specific points in the design.
INoteBase The INote class allows you to create info text on specific points in the design.
IObject All Objects are conductions from this class.
IObjectSpecifics Contains all specific information for each object.
IObjectSpecificsD Base of all specificsD classes.
IODBLayer This class contains all ODBLayer functions and data.
IODBLayerDrillTool Drill Tool Element with size, tolerance, type and dcode.
IODBObject Administrate all odb object functions.
IODBObjectDistanceResultClass This Class contains only three Values: Distance = distance between two IODBObjects From = point on the first object To = point on the second object
IPackageSpecifics The Package defined the component.
IPackageSpecificsD The Package defined the component.
IPadSpecifics Only Pads have this combination of specifics.
IPadSpecificsD Only Pads have this combination of specifics.
IPCBIWindow The IPCBIWindow contains all information and methodes for one ODB-Job.
IPictureLayer The class for images in ODB++ Jobs
IPin All information of the pin.
IPolygonSpecifics Important information about the polygon.
IPolygonSpecificsD Important information about the polygon.
IStep IStep contains all functions working with steps. This is one of the most important classes to work with PCB-Investigator interface, you need it for getting layers, nets and components.
IStepBitmapResultClass This class contains the Bitmap and the DrawnRectangle of the GetBitmap methode.
IStepDrillTool Helper class to set drill tools for Excellon import.
IStepStepAndRepeatClass All data that necessary to define step and repeats in ODB++.
ISurfaceSpecifics The SurfaceSpecifics is a container for polygons existing by arcs and lines.
ISurfaceSpecificsD The SurfaceSpecifics is a container for polygons existing by arcs and lines.
ITextSpecifics Only Text have this combination of specifics.
ITextSpecificsD Only Text have this combination of specifics.
JobClosedEventArgs Close event with new job to open parameter
JobInfo Info class for interesting information of the ODB++ job.
VirtualStepAndRepeatExtensions Helper for step and repeat actions.


INoteExportItem Some exports can export notes with this interface (e.g. DXF export).


IActionPCBIRegisteredIDIsCall Special delegate for Registrated IDs.
IPCBIWindowAttributeChangedEventHandler Delegate for attribute changing or adding to IObject Parent.
IPCBIWindowCloseRequestEvent Delegate for closing request from e.g. IPluginOpenFileControl
IPCBIWindowDrawingEventHandler The drawing delegate
IPCBIWindowGetBackgroundImageEventHandler The drawing delegate for the background image
IPCBIWindowJobOpenRequest Delegate for job open request.
IPCBIWindowPCBIChangedMouseToolEventHandler For changing the mousetool in the PCB-Investigator.
IPCBIWindowPCBIChangedTransparencyEventHandler The PCBIChangedTransparencyEventHandler is to inform about changing in the DrawOnlySelectedFeature mode.
IPCBIWindowProgressChanged Informs about the progress for certain operations
IPCBIWindowPropertyChangedEventHandler Delegate for property changing or adding to IObject Parent.
IPCBIWindowUIActionExecuteRequestEventHandler Execute request event handler.
IPCBIWindowUICheckButtonEventHandler The UICheckButtonEventHandler is for changing the right button on calls form the PCB-Investigator.
IPCBIWindowUIEnableChangedEventHandler PCB-Investigator inform the Plugins to change the enable state
IPCBIWindowUIVisibleChangedEventHandler The UIVisibleChangedEventHandler is to inform about changing in the visible style of objects.


AreaType There are different types of areas, e.g. different heat area for component packages or danger areas for routing and many more.
ErrorCode The error code gives each error a individual name and comes together with more information in the error message itself.
IAutomationDynamicTextState State for dynamic text parts: upper, lower or default letters.
IAutomationPCBIINSTALLATIONTYPE Type of PCB-Investigator installation.
ID_ActionItem All free actions to start them with Execute.
IDrillType Drill types for drill layers, new in ODB++ 8.0.
IEdgeType Type for eges, can be arc or line.
INetObjectPinLabelTyp The label information typ.
IObjectType The type of IObjects
IPCBIWindowLoadInformation Result of LoadData to handle how to go on.
IPinPinType Types of pins and unknown if not possible to get the type.
MatrixLayerAddType New Types from ODB++ 8.0 format
MatrixLayerContext The Type of Layer Context.
MatrixLayerPolarity Layer polarity for matrix
MatrixLayerType Layer Type for matrix
MatrixStackupCheckResult Used for Matrix stackup check in IMatrix.
MeasureUnit Unit for internal measure Dialog
PanelGerberExportEnum Gerber Export Option for Sub-Steps in Panels
PatternHatch Pattern to hatch objects.
RoutCompHandling Handling of rout comp attribute. Should the layer be changed by moving the lines? Make a copy of the layer first? Make no changes or ask user what to do?
searchRestrictionEnum search restriction enum is to optimize search function.
SpecialSymbolGerberExportEnum Gerber Export Option for special symbols
WarningCode Warning code is giving a short name to warnings, it contains more details in the warning message.