IAttribute Class

Contains all methods for working with attributes and properties.


Namespace: PCBI.Automation
Assembly: PCB-Investigator (in PCB-Investigator.exe) Version: 0
public static class IAttribute
Object    IAttribute


AddOrSetLayerAttribute Add or overwrite layer attribute.
DeleteLayerAttribute(String, IStep, FeatureAttributeEnum) Delete Layer Attribute for specific layer in one step.
DeleteLayerAttribute(String, IStep, String) Delete Layer Attribute for specific layer in one step.
EnumOptions Ask for enum options of the attribute, this is only for standard enums.
GetAllAttributes(INet, IPCBIWindow) Create a list of all existing attributes of the current net.
GetAllAttributes(IObject, IPCBIWindow) Get attributes of parent object, that contains only attributes no properties.
GetAllAttributes(IPackageSpecificsD, IPCBIWindow) Get all attributes of a package definition.
GetAllComponentAttributeEnums All component attribute enums of standard definiton.
GetAllFeatureAttributeEnums All feature attribute enums for ODB objects.
GetAllJobAttributes Get all job attributes for currect loaded design in window.
GetAllNetAttributeEnums Create List of all Net Attribute Enums defined in ODB++.
GetAllPackageAttributeEnums All package attribute enums of standard defintion.
GetAllProperties(ICMPObject) All properties of the component. The List contains IEDA_PRPs to handle names and values directly.
GetAllProperties(IObject) All properties of the component or IODBObject. The property key and value is splitted by space key( ).
GetAllProperties(IPackageSpecificsD) All properties of the component package. The property key and value is in the IEDA PRP class to get name, value and numbers seperated.
GetAllPropertiesAndAttributes Combine all properties and attributes to one list. The Attributes splitted by '=' and Properties splitted by ' '.
GetDisplayName The ODB++ conform display name of the attribute. Special Feature Attributes need the parent to load the look up table of special display names.
GetJobAttribute Get a single attribute element to check the value e.g. you need the customer name or board thickness
GetLayerAttributes Load and get back layer attributes.
GetPackageTypeNames Returns list of common package type strings (e.g. for PACKAGE_GROUP Property)
GetProperties(ICMPObject) Get all properties of the parent component object.
GetProperties(IPackageSpecificsD) Get all properties of the parent component object.
GetProperty(ICMPObject, String) Gets a given Property or NULL, if property does not exist
GetProperty(IPackageSpecificsD, String) Gets a given Property or NULL, if property does not exist
GetStandardAttribute(InterfaceObject, FeatureAttributeEnum) Search for one attribute to create only one IAttributeElement or return null if it is not available.
GetStandardAttribute(IObject, FeatureAttributeEnum) Search for one attribute to create only one IAttributeElement or return null if it is not available.
GetStandardAttribute(IPackageSpecificsD, FeatureAttributeEnum) Get standard attributes of a package definition.
GetStepAttributes Step attributes as list.
GetTypeOfFeatureAttribute Get Enum Type of Feature AtteributeEnum (bool, string, int, double, enum or unknown).
GetUserAttribute Search for one use attribute to create only one IAttributeElement or return null if it is not available.
IsUnitDependingINCHMM Ask for unit switching of the attribute (e.g. length or weights).
IsUnitDependingMILSMICRON Ask for unit switching of the attribute (e.g. length or weights).
Maximum Get Maximum of selected attribute enum.
Minimum Get Minimum of selected attribute enum.
PackagePropertyOrAttributeHasChanged Set the need to save flag of current step and relevant package list.
RemoveAttribute(FeatureAttributeEnum, INet) Remove attribute from parent, identified by attribute enum.
RemoveAttribute(FeatureAttributeEnum, IObject) Remove attribute from parent, identified by attribute enum.
RemoveAttribute(FeatureAttributeEnum, IPackageSpecificsD) Remove Attribute from Package identified by feature attribute enum.
RemoveAttribute(String, INet, IPCBIWindow) Remove attribute of the relevant INet.
RemoveCMPProperty(ICMPObject, String) Remove component property from component.
RemoveCMPProperty(ICMPObject, String, Boolean) Remove component property from component.
RemoveJobAttribute Remove Attribute from Job/Design identified by feature attribute enum.
RemoveProperty(String, IPackageSpecificsD) Remove a property from the package identified by name. This do not set the "has changed" flag in Step and IPCBIWindow, you can use PackagePropertyOrAttributeHasChanged and NeedToSave to set it manualy.
RemoveProperty(String, ICMPObject, Boolean) Remove a property from the component identified by name.
RemoveUserAttribute Remove attribute from parent, identified by user attribute name.
SetAttribute(IAttributeElement, INet) Add or override the attribute for the parent net.
SetAttribute(IAttributeElement, IObject) Set attribute of parent object, if it is a float attribute the value must be in depending unit! E.g. "comp_height" use Inch and "spo_s_val" mils.
SetAttribute(IAttributeElement, IPackageSpecificsD) Set an package attribute to the Parent package specifics. This do not set the "has changed" flag in Step and IPCBIWindow, you can use PackagePropertyOrAttributeHasChanged and NeedToSave to set it manualy.
SetAttribute(IAttributeElement, IObject, Boolean) Set attribute of parent object, if it is a float attribute the value must be in depending unit! E.g. "comp_height" use Inch and "spo_s_val" mils.
SetJobAttribute Add or replace job attribute. If the attribute already exists it will be changed, if it is a new one it will be added to the attribute list of the design.
SetProperty(IEDA_PRP, ICMPObject) Set a component property to the component object.
SetProperty(IEDA_PRP, IPackageSpecificsD) Set a package property to the relevant package. This do not set the "has changed" flag in Step and IPCBIWindow, you can use PackagePropertyOrAttributeHasChanged and NeedToSave to set it manualy.
SetProperty(IEDA_PRP, ICMPObject, Boolean) Set a component property to the component object.
SetProperty(String, String, ICMPObject) Set component property with value as string. If already exists it will be overwritten.
SetProperty(String, String, ICMPObject, Boolean) Set component property with value as string. If already exists it will be overwritten.
SetPropertyList Set a component property to the component object.
SetStepAttribute Add attribute to current step (if unit depending, then mils)
UserEnumOptions User enum options from the given UserEnumName, this return null if for the name no options available.

See Also