PCBI.MathUtils Namespace



IArcEdge Define an arc for polygon outlines.
IEdge The base class for edges.
ILineEdge A line element of an edge
IMath Calculation class for many mathematic methodes.
IPolyClass Helpfull class to work with each outline of polygons.
IPolyClassView Debug view class to find more information while debugging.
MatrixD MatrixD is a special 2D matrix with offset and information about rotation and mirroring.
ObjectRasterManager Helper for easy handling of objects with IBoundable interface.
ObjectRasterManagerD Helper for easy handling of objects with IBoundableD interface.
PointRasterManager Helper to find points faster.


PointD Structure of double point.
RectangleD Structure for rectangle with double values.


IBoundable Interface which defines Methods for Objects with Bounds
IBoundableD Interface which defines Methods for Objects with Bounds
InterfaceArcEdge Arc edge interface.
InterfaceEdge Base edge interface.
InterfaceLineEdge Line Edge interface.


IPolyClassFillMode Mode to fill poly while drawing.