IAutomation Properties


AlternativPlugInDirectory Set an extra directory for PlugIns, if it exists and plugIns inside found PCBI load this plugIns.
AnalysisResultRootDirectory Path to the root directory for analysis results
Check4NewVersion Gets or sets the option for checking for new versions on startup.
ComponentFileUseHighest Some ODB++ output tool use more than one component files e.g. components2, in some cases they are the newest version in other the lowest number is newest version. This depends on the output tool and with this option it is possible to select highest number of components file or lowest. Value can only be used after creating an IPCBIWindow instance.
CSVSeparator CSV Separator is saved in options to use the same separator in all csv imports and exports. /// Default is "," in some countries it is ";".
DEBUG_Output Use DEBUG Output add more information to error log and gives developer more details and warnings by using interface methods.
DeveloperPlugInDirecotry Ask Option for plugin directory of user. This is used to load private plugins by starting PCB-Investigator.
DrawComponentsSequentially Use Mutex for component drawing. Needed for OV.
Enable3DPlugin Sets/Gets whether the DirectX 3D Plugin should be loaded at the next start or not. (PCBIWindow must exist for proper use)
FindRoutCompAttribute There are comp attributes for rout layers to change the drawing of routing elements. If the comp attribute is combined with a side the lines and arcs are moved to get the correct display position.
HandleDynamicText Dynamic text can be changed directly in upper letter, lower letter or used as it is defined (Default).
HideOnClosing If HideOnClosing == true all PCB-I-Windows can only closed with "ClosePCBIWindow", otherwise they are only hidden. The default is false!
IgnorWarnings Suppress warnings of PCB-Investigator error log.
InstallationType Ask for installation type.
IsDemoVersion Ask PCB-Investigator how it is running. As Demo version or not?
LayerColorModeAdvanced True if ColorMode is Advanced else means the default setting. This sets the color depending on the layer type.
PCBIDataPath The easylogix\PCB-Investigator of user in application data folder.
RealTimeDrawing Change the drawing methode, the same like in the options.
SuppressRibbonForm Suppress the special ribbon menu to use your own old menu style (you have to add a PCBI-UIItems.dll in AddIn directory to hide PCB-Investigator standard ribbon menu).
SuppressStandardKey Suppress F5 Button to update menu and dialogs.
SuppressUserNotifications Suppress all messageboxes and ands more errors and warnings to the ErrorLog. This blocks the Drag N Drop method for opening Jobs, too.
UnzipWithTempFileAttribute Unzip files with temporary attribute to hold them in RAM instead of flushing to disk.
VERBOSE_Output Logs even more debug information in combination with DEBUG_Output = true
WordWrapInErrorLog Error log use word wrap to show all text in visible width of log window, if this is false it write the lines until next new line (\n\r) is comming.
ZoomAreaInflateValue Distance around selection for zoom to selection feature (see PCB-Investigator options dialog page "display").

See Also