RectangleD Methods


Contains(PointD) Contain a point wit X and Y coordinates.
Contains(PointF) Contain a point wit X and Y coordinates.
Contains(RectangleD) Contains the complete Rectangle inside this rectangle.
Contains(Double, Double) Contain a point wit X and Y coordinates.
Contains(Single, Single) Contain a point wit X and Y coordinates.
Equals(Object) Same rectangle like this one?
(Overrides ValueTypeEquals(Object))
Equals(Object, Int32) Comparing with fixed digits, e.g. only on 3 digits.
FromLTRB Calculate a rectangle from outside coordinates.
FromRectangleF New Rectangle from float values.
GetArea Multiply width and height.
GetHashCode Calculate an hash code for the rectangle.
(Overrides ValueTypeGetHashCode)
GetMidPoint Middle of this rectangle. It uses half width and half height combind with the location X and Y.
Inflate(SizeF) Make the rectangle bigger in all directions.
Inflate(Double, Double) Make the rectangle bigger in all directions.
Inflate(RectangleD, Double, Double) Inflate(Widen) a rectangle with X and Y.
Intersect(RectangleD) combine this rectangle with second Rect with intersecting rule.
Intersect(RectangleD, RectangleD) combine both rectangles with intersecting rule.
IntersectsWith(IEdge) Check the rectangle is intersection with a edge element.
IntersectsWith(Rectangle) Check this rectangle interescts with second rectangle.
IntersectsWith(RectangleD) Check this rectangle interescts with second rectangle. This return also true if the second rectangle is included.
IntersectsWith(RectangleF) Check this rectangle interescts with second rectangle.
Offset(PointD) Offset for X and Y (Move only the X and Y point).
Offset(Double, Double) Offset for X and Y.
SetFromRectangleF Set Rectangle from float values.
Subtract(RectangleD, RectangleD) Reduce size of main rectangle by infinity lines of rectangle sub
Subtract(RectangleD, RectangleD, Boolean) Reduce size of main rectangle by infinity lines of rectangle sub
Subtract(RectangleD, RectangleD, Boolean, Boolean) Reduce size of main rectangle by infinity lines of rectangle sub
ToRectangle Create an rectangle with int values of the RetangleD.
ToRectangleF Create an rectangle float with this values.
(Overrides ValueTypeToString)
Union(IEnumerableIBoundable) Union list of elements.
Union(IEnumerableIBoundableD) Union list of elements.
Union(RectangleD, RectangleD) Combine both rectangles.
Union(RectangleD, RectangleD, Boolean) Combine both rectangles.

Extension Methods

See Also