INet Class

INet contains a List of INetObjects with all cmps and the contact pins.


Namespace: PCBI.Automation
Assembly: PCB-Investigator (in PCB-Investigator.exe) Version: 0
public class INet : InterfaceNet
Object    INet


ComponentList The list of cmps with pins.
NetName The name of the net.


AddCMP(ICMPObject, Int32, String) Add a component to the net.
AddCMP(InterfaceCMPObject, Int32, String) Add a component to the net.
AddFID(FidType, Int32, Int32) Add a new FID to the net. Note: If you create a new job and have all nets created new it will be added by saving the project as default.
AddFID(FidType, String, Int32) Add a new FID to the net. Note: If you create a new job and have all nets created new it will be added by saving the project as default.
AddLayerRef Add a reference for the layer in the netInformation class.
GetAllNetObjects(InterfacePCBIWindow) Creates a list of all IODBObjects in an net.
GetAllNetObjects(IPCBIWindow) Creates a list of all IODBObjects in an net.
GetAllObjectsOn(String, InterfacePCBIWindow) Create a list of items on one layer.
GetAllObjectsOn(String, IPCBIWindow) Create a list of items on one layer.
GetAllUsedLayers(InterfaceStep) Create a list of all layernames of the net.
GetAllUsedLayers(IStep) Create a list of all layernames of the net.
GetCountNetElements Count of all elements on all layers.
GetNetNumber Net number of this net.
GetVisualNetBounds Gets the area in world coords (mils) where this net is used over all layers
RemoveComponent Remove component objects from the netlist.
RemoveComponentPin Remove component pin from the netlist.
RemoveFid Removes a FID Entry for this net
SelectNet Select this net in PCB-Investigator.
SelectNet(ListMatrixLayerType) Select this net in PCB-Investigator on given layer types with context=board
SelectNet(ListMatrixLayerType, Boolean) Select this net in PCB-Investigator on given layer types with context=board
ToString Create one polygon of all objects of this net on one layer.
(Overrides ObjectToString)

Extension Methods

See Also