PCB_Investigator.Automation.DesignHistory Namespace



DesignHistory Documentaion entries e.g. for user actions, analysis results and log entries with parameters.
DesignLogEntryConverterParameters Helper to show parameters in design history GUI.
DesignLogEntryParameter Basic log entry parameter with key and value.
DesignLogEntryParameterBool A parameter based on a bool.
DesignLogEntryParameterDouble A parameter based on a double value.
DesignLogEntryParameterInt A parameter based on an integer value.
DesignLogEntryParameterString A parameter based on a string value.
TaskResult One task Result basic element.
TaskResultDFT Basic task result for DFT.
TaskResultDFTLog DFT log entry with option for warning and message.
TaskResultDFTPolarity DFT Polarity task result with bool option and bool for critical.
TaskResultDFTPresence DFT Precense task result with bool option and bool for critical.
TaskResultDFTSoldering DFT Soldering task result with pin index, bool for the pin and bool for critical.
TaskResultDFTValue DFT Value task result with double option and bool for critical.
TaskResultPair A task result pair with key and value strings.
TaskResults Basic task results with list of task result entries.
TaskResultStatisticB A statistic task result with bool value.
TaskResultStatisticD A statistic task result with double value.
TaskResultStatisticI A statistic task result with intiger value.


DesignLogEntry One log entry with basic information.


TaskCategory Task category enum e.g. used as filter.